There are many people that follow Buddhism. Maybe you're asking your self what's buddhism. Buddhism is the believe in peace and harmony.( Above this means buddhism)Followers
Its the forth most practiced.About 360 million people follow this religion. It's mostly practiced in China, Japan, Korea, South East Asia. ( above this is buddha he is not fat at all as u can see)
The person that found Buddhism is called Siddharta Gautama. He was a prince from his town. The story goes that he went outside of his place. What he saw was people dieing, hunger, the point is that he saw people suffering. As he saw this it made he change the way he lived. At age 23 he left his family and he went his way to peace. 400 bc is when buddha died
Religious Holidays
Buddhist Celebrate Buddhist New year. This is usaully celebrated in different days through out the world. Its starts the first full moon on January. Also Buddhas Birthday
Buddhist usually have temples where they can prey and do what they want. They do meditation halls cause they like to be clam and relaxed. They also invented yoga so they can be one with your soul.

Particular Dress/Clothing
They dress very simiple. They wear somewhat like a cloth,usually orange.
They do have a hierarchy. The leader is Dalai Lama. Thats like the priesadent. Then the panchen. Finally the laypeople. ( To the left is a pic of how they dress)