Friday, May 21, 2010

Freashmen Year

This year went by really fast maybe to fast. Made new friends that's always a postive. The calsses were alright, teachers were good or should i say some of them. My two favorite classes were art and foods. My two least favorite were history and math they were really boring. I finally saw my first food fight it was awesome. Advisory was pretty boring to thou we did get treats every time we went. So yeah i guess this year was a good year and went by fast

Monday, February 22, 2010


How do you gain or lose power. It might be good power like the president has or it can be bad like terrorist example Osama Bin Landin. People might lose power by being a bad leader and people might not want them in power any more. Or in the case of the president you are in power for four years then they can run again but you lose power. Or if you go to war in some cases you might power to because they might be killing at lot of your soldiers or losing territory. Also you can gain power

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why do people join gangs

You might think that the reason people join gangs is for respect or for money. You might disargee with me me or you you might

Other reasons that people join gangs is that your friends might be pessuring u to join the gang. Like if your friends tell u that there not gunna be your friends if you don't join. But in other causes they might want money. They might see the gang as an easy way to get money and start doing that more and more

The main reason people join gangs is because they think there gunna be cool if they join or just give them respect. The first reason is that for some resaon they think its cool. They are jusr hurting there family and people that care for them. An example is if a young kid sees one of there family do it they think its alright if they do it. Also is its because they like to feel like they have power. They think there nobody and decide to join a gang.

So in other words people join gangs for money beacuse they want it or need it. The other reason is for respect to make them feel god about them selves. Also they might just want to get known. These are just some reasons I just gave the one that i felt were important.