Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Greeks and the Persians

Who are the Greeks also known as the Hellenes. The Greeks speak an Indo-European language. Is an ethnic group native to the Greeks. They have been centred around the Aegean sea. The Mycenaean people are the first Greek speaking people. The Classical period was from the fifth century BC to the death of Alexander The Great. It was named like this because it set the standers for the Greek civilization to be judged. The Hellenistic period was placed after Alexanders death. Hellenistic is the combination of none-Greek cultures with the Greek, This lead to bigger cities. The most important city-state in Greece would be Sparta. This is where the Spratens come from and the movie 300 is based on a war with persian empire and Spartabut there were more then 300 there were about 300 spartens but 700 were Thespian and 400 were Thebans. The Spartans had a military stradagey which they would form there shelids togather so nothing could pass through as long as they maintaine there postion is called Plahanx.
Persians you might know who they are you might not but am going to talk a bit about them. They are thought to believe to come from the Aryan Tribes migrating from central Asia. During there ruling they had a big empire as u can see from the picture at the bottom

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